Overwhelming Performance,
Every Detail
Exceptional Performance
Unparalleled Balance
Redefine the Level of Bookshelves
Punches Above Its Weight!!
Punches Above Its Weight!!
The Debut of a New Legacy
“When I was 14 years old, I built my first amplifiers and years later my first DIY speakers, my dream was always to build the best speakers in the world”
Daniel Emonts, the Master Engineer in Hi-End Audio for more than 30 years, is a True Magician of Sound, behind numerous legendary models from some top-tier Danish and French Hi-Fi brands.
From 2022, with the birth of Revival Audio, his dream becomes a reality together with his partner and good friend Jacky Lee, the former CCO of a top-tier Danish Hi-Fi brand.
Learn more about our Brand Story
At Revival Audio, we promise you the Next Level listening experiences.
The confidence comes from our second-to-none technologies. We design and engineer every single detail in France. This is the only way to be unique and meet our extraordinary standards.
Detailed Restitution,
Beyond Expectations
Daniel Emonts pushes the standard to an extraordinary level and proudly presents our 28mm (1 1/8”) soft-dome RASC tweeter with various unique technologies inside.
Perfect Balance
The 75mm soft-dome midrange driver from Daniel’s hand definitely achieves the next-level performance never seen in its range.
In fact, it could be one of the best midranges in Hi-End among all ranges.
First Ever in Hi-End.
BSC, Basalt Sandwich Construction, is the first in Hi-End innovation, made from lava stone.
Edging Innovation, Precise and Transparent!
ARID, stands for Anti Resonance Inner Dome, is a Revival Audio patented technology.
Check all the benefits here!
It is Large!
The “horse power” of an engine, for a driver, is the magnet system.
At Revival Audio, we chose ferrite magnets, not only because it is eco-friendly, but it also offers a real balanced output.
Built to Last
At Revival Audio we tune the crossover by hand, by placing real components on one tuning board, and measuring the results. When done, we listen (a lot) and fine tune, after that we check again with measurements that we went into the right direction.
Our Next-Level Products
Overwhelming Performance, Every Detail.
Exceptional Performance
Unparalleled Balance
Redefine the Level of Bookshelves.
Punch Above Its Weight!
Punch Above Its Weight!
Elevating the Bookshelves Performance.
Specially Made for ATALANTE 5
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#RevivalAudioNextLevelReview #SPRINT_4 has been reviewed by the renowned German magazine @hifitest and got a great review in the #Spitzenklasse (Top Class), and an "Excellent" ranking on "Value for money".
Thank you for such an excellent review. It's an in-depth review, with many details, from made quality to sound quality, technologies, and measurements.
Here is the highlighted quote (translated):
"The seemingly impossible wish to get an affordable yet uncompromising floorstanding speaker for testing has finally been fulfilled - and somehow it is logical that the Revival Audio logo is stuck on the box.
A box that is both suitable for long-term use and highly dynamic, with which you can enjoy yourself, but also lets you rock out - what more could you ask for?
Conclusion: visually elegant, technically a treat and a wonderful sound: The SPRINT 4 is the next big hit from Revival Audio."
Check the full article in English here (translated by Google):
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Contact our German distributor B&T Hifi Vertrieb GmbH @bt.hifi
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#revivalaudioshows HAVE 2024 Nanjing International High-End Audio Visual Expo
It's indeed very busy time for us in China, following the largest Hi-Fi show in Hong Kong in August, this month Revival Audio will be presented in the Nanjing High-End show, by our great partner Wise Sound Supplies Ltd Wise Sound Supplies Ltd.
The complete line-up of #atalante and #sprint will be displayed and demoed at the show. Welcome to visit our room in #紫金厅 Zijing Hall on the 8th floor.
Venue: 南京金丝利喜来登酒店 Sheraton Nanjing Kingsley Hotel
Room: 8th Floor, Zijing Hall 紫金厅
Dates: September 6-8, 2024
Daily: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
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Starting from today! Come to meet us 🙂
Visit us in Sheraton Nanjing Kingsley Hotel 南京金丝利喜来登酒店 8th Floor, Zijing Hall 8楼 紫金厅
#RevivalAudioNextLevelReview An outstanding "Recommedation" badge was awarded to our new #ATALANTE_4 from the leading Polish Hi-Fi media @stereolifemagazine StereoLife
Here is the highlight quote:
"Revival Audio is proof that sometimes passion, experience, good ideas and excellent hearing are worth more than a rich history, extensive catalog, unlimited budget and fruit Thursdays.
Atalante 4 is not only another excellent loudspeaker from the French company, but also a clear signal that it does not intend to limit itself to the production of unusual equipment for connoisseurs. Now it will also compete for customers looking for something universal, even banal to some extent, but built and sounding better than the competition.
With the "fours" everything is easy - setting up, selecting the right electronics, and even choosing the color version. Instead of analyzing a million factors and wondering whether the speakers will really suit our amplifier or whether they won't start complaining when we play one worse recorded album, we just sink into our chair and listen."
Full review here (in Polish):
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#NextLevelListenerStory We are excited to share our listener's setup from the Netherlands once again. This time, the #ATALANTE_5 have been placed in his newly decorated listening room, accompanied by our most popular gift item - the logo coffee mug.
"New listening room is ready, today installed a new audio rack for the NAD 2200 amp , NAD 1155 pre amp and the great Eversolo DMP-A6 Master Edition"
Beautiful! Isn't it? 😉
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#RevivalAudioAward on #ATALANTE_3 "Gold Award" with ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ full-star review.
The leading French Hi-Fi magazine Diapason awarded them the highest distinction, the “Diapason d’Or” to ATALANTE 3, in its latest issue 729 of January 24. Merci!
Below is the translated highlight of the award review:
"The ATALANTE 3 charmed us with their very beautiful spatialization and their absence of directivity, their carefully worked tonal balance with ample and consistent bass, and their balanced subtly descending tonal giving the feeling of having significantly larger speakers in front of you.
This specific way of giving materiality to music is accompanied by great respect for the propagation regime, on the three axes: tonality (respect for timbres), energy (instantaneous dynamics) and time (phase and specialization).
The Atalante 3, a future classic for sure."
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#RevivalAudioDealer Today, we would like to share with you some great taken photos of #ATALANTE_4 from our Canadian premier dealer Audio Ark @audioark124
They quoted an excellent review summary from Audio-Video PL
"Atalante 4 is in a strong position on the contemporary scene of loudspeaker sets at its price range.
They play "evenly" enough to cope with virtually any repertoire, they are a bit warm, but not too much. They create the power of sound expected from speakers of this size, but they do not tire you out with too much fat bass. They are detailed enough, but not enough to be tiring. In addition, they have very good dynamics and are easy to control.
This time the French really succeeded. They say that three times is a charm.
Yes, these are the most successful Revival Audio models of all that have been created so far. Let's hope this high level will be maintained."
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